Metapneumonic Virus
Here we explain what it is, how it spreads, and how to prevent this virus.
The HMPV, or human metapneumovirus, was first identified in 2001 and is part of the Paramyxoviridae family, which also includes parainfluenza viruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). Most infections occur in children under five years old, presenting symptoms similar to those of a common cold, such as cough, nasal congestion, wheezing, and difficulty breathing (CDC). Although it generally causes mild infections, it can lead to severe respiratory complications in at-risk groups, including young children, the elderly, and individuals with preexisting health conditions.
The areas of the United States with the highest positivity rates for HMPV tests are Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, where more than 5.8% of the tests conducted during the first week of January were positive. This figure is more than double that reported in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, which was approximately 2.7% during the same period (Nexstar, January 14, 2025). Since the fall of 2024, an increase in HMPV positivity has been observed in most of the country, except for the region encompassing Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Rhode Island, and Virginia, where a slight decrease has been documented.
Los síntomas asociados al HMPV son análogos a los de otros virus que inducen infecciones respiratorias altas, tales como tos, fiebre, mialgia y faringitis, lo que complica su identificación precisa. Sin embargo, ante la aparición de signos de alarma como disnea, dolor torácico o sensación de falta de aire, es crucial buscar atención médica inmediata, especialmente en poblaciones de alto riesgo: “niños menores de cinco años, adultos mayores de 60 años, así como individuos con obesidad, diabetes, hipertensión y otras patologías pulmonares, cardíacas o renales”

Transmission and prevention of HMPV
Public health experts have stated that the increase in cases in China does not pose a significant risk to the United States.
Although they continue to monitor the evolution of the virus globally.
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